Sunday, June 28, 2009

17 = 10 +7 part 2

Good represented by 17, comes from combining 10 and 7. This is like uniting the 10 repenting brothers with Josef. Or uniting with the Tzaddik through the tikkun ha brit (10 psalms of purity) Notice we just came out of the Red Cow parasha- this has to do with being Holy as opposed to Blemished.

The 10 tribes have NOT Repented til today and the tzaddik has done amazing things that go beyond the tikkun ha klali in order to reverse this- but as in all things, it doesn't count really until the job is DONE!

So asides from the Petek, which has been burned (a sign that our generation can not co-exist with it) the combination of the 10 and the 7 are still elusive. Would only 10 Breselver Rabbis agree to allow Rabbi Nachman to fulfill his highest wish- to be enterred by King David.

Let's ponder this, on the dreadful fast day of the 17th(good) of Tam OZ (ayn cha met ane)(good of brazen style, you are not dead, answer).

Josef has the whole world in his hands, but what he wants is his brothers-- and concerning Rabbi Nachman this is even the more so!


  1. like to get your input on a new tik klali booklet we'd like to print here, pls send your email to 7 beggars (one word) at gmail com.
    couldn't find you on google talk when i searched von ebay like it says on your profile. na nach

  2. Id like to contact you... Dont have google talk.. Can you please send your email to the real form of "ilanamsterdam[strudel]gmail.calm" - emes.
